Thursday, December 1, 2011

Welcome Welcome December :)

Something silly to warm up your day:
 Little known fact, mine and kenzie room was decorated by wolves!
False!! Black bear. (you're a champ if you can name both those TV shows.)

but really take a peek at our room. I promise it's not as messy as it appears!

 This is the view from right out side the door. (Like I've said before, my bed is right in front of it!)
 Everything in our room is on an angle.
 Kenz is creating a master Pokemon deck...
(call her up if you wanna have a Poke war, I hear she's a master)
 We thought living in a maze would be mass chaos. But, It's not. We love it!
 Yeah, I should have made my bed before taking these pictures. TOO late!
More of the maddness.

Another werid fact. Yesterday in math I learned that when ice cream goes on sell shark attacks increase. It's true!

Ps Cedar is beautiful covered in snow. Wanna see??

So pretty right?!

Oh and I almost forgot, I want to give out shout out to my good friend Holden. He is the most amazing dancer EVER and I’d kill to dance a duet with him. He is in the student dance concert. A freshman and he made six dances. He's a rock star. Good luck tonight!! PS everyone should go see the concert. It's phenomenal. I'm going again. This is what we gave Holdy after he danced... we didn't have a rose.

One last thing! As you can tell, I'm learning how to do cool things with my blog. YAY ME! (if you can name that TV show that is kinda sad, but what does that say about me? I am quoting it after all.) AND good news, I fixed it so y’all can leave me comments! so DO it! :) Peace and blessing. Peace and Blessings. (if you can name that YouTube video you have a great sense of humor.)


  1. i don't know the first one but the second is the office! how did you get everything in your room to sit at an angle???


  2. and i laughed at the pumpkin. :) i laughed at a lot of this haha


  3. Rach I love you!!! thanks for commenting. you're the first one! you good buddy ol' pal. Trust me i got so excited when i saw that i had a comment. Everything isn't sitting at an angle it's just not stright? catch my drift?
