Saturday, December 3, 2011


First off, before we get to the mildly creepy and exciting part, I'd like to tell you that I am eating dry Cocoa Puffs for breakfast.
Yes. Dry.
Every time I go grocery shopping I make a list of everything I need, I put everything in my cart and on my way up to the register I start thinking 'I really don't need THIS.' So I put it back on the shelf and by the time I get to the front to pay I have one item.
So I leave the store feeling quite savvy about myself.
 I just saved so much money. I didn't buy anything frivolous like milk or toilet paper.
I stuck to my needs:
By the time I get home and want to shower I realize there is no soap and then I start thinking 'why did I think I didn't need that again?' Long story short I have no milk because I talked myself out of buying it. Awesome.

Now for the super natural juicy story that you have all been waiting for!
So before I go to bed I plug my phone in and it sleeps right next to me.
It's my alarm clock ok? I'm not attached to my phone or anything....
any whoooo!
The past few mornings I've woken up and my phone is nowhere near me. Somehow it manages to fly across the room. Which can mean one of two things?
One, we have a ghost in our room, or two I do really weird things in my sleep.
Kenzie laughs, Whitney buys stuff online, so why not me?
BUT I tend to lean towards the ghost idea because a while ago there was a strange ticking in the wall. We thought it was either a bomb or someone got stuck inside the wall (when the building was being built like 10 years ago) and was using Morse code to try to get help.
We almost got a sledge hammer to brake the wall down to help the guy out, but the ticking stopped so either he died or someone else saved him first.
I wanted to be a hero. Maybe next time.
Either way I’ve considered calling Scooby and his gang or at least the ghost busters to figure this one out for me.

1 comment:

  1. yrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes that is right
