Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This is About how I Feel Right Now...

{Insert other exasperated sounds here}
Why is it that I can take all of my 'hard' finals with ease and then when I get to my 'easy' final I fall apart all over the place.
Just some background info for those of you at home who don't know what University 1000 is.
I will tell you.
It is misery at its finest!
It's just a bunch of busy work.
The workbook is BS because you can just write song lyrics in it {mine is a tribute to Garth} and your teacher will flip through the pages and see that there is ink on the pages and you pass.
How can I fail at that?
Well I needed a print out of next semester’s schedule...
I realized this when I woke up, tried printing it out.
Wouldn't work.

I got fed up and took Kenzie's schedule that was taped to the wall.
I ran across campus to the class room and NO ONE was there.
I wondered around aimlessly for a bit until a lady directed me where to go.
Bless her heart.
Then after being there for far too long I found out MY final is tomorrow.
I have to go back!
Rock on!

So here's to final's week!
I thought I got passed you stress free, but you wouldn't have it.
You win; now please let me go home.

PS after all this happen I devised a plan where someone at home got seriously ill and Kenz and I had to leave immediately and they would have to flip through our workbooks today and send us on our way.
It would have worked, but it started getting complicated and we would’ve had to let all the animals in the zoo out to create a distraction.
So I will be patient and not act like a three year old and stomp my feet {even though I really want to}
I will cope by changing the thermostat to 45 degrees and listening as my roommates freak.
That always uplifts my mood.
Hope your Wednesday is better than mine!
{It is Wednesday, right??}
Love you all :)

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