Monday, February 27, 2012

My Role Model

Is my lovely sister,
She is the best sister a girl could ask for and I've always looked up to her and wanted to be just like her.

She's helped me through so many hard times and has such a beautiful testimony.
She's strong when I am weak, and she lifts me higher than I could ever stand on my own.
As we grow up, I can see her becoming an exceptionally great woman.

A few words she told me that I want to remember and also share because maybe others need this inspiration as well.
"...most importantly how do we have a positive impact on those we come in contact with everyday..."

Toss that thought around for a moment.
It is the ultimate question, and if we can answer that we are golden.
If not what can we change so we CAN answer that question.
Today I went about my day with a whole new light and today was marvelous.

I think I get caught up in the rush of the world and I forget to lend a helping hand.
The photos below are some pictures my sister took.
They are stunningly beautiful and they remind me to stop and stare a while at the wonders of the world and the wonders of life;
because life is wonderful and it deserves a moment of reflection.


Oh P.S. I think she'd like me to announce that tomorrow is national Pancake Day.
AKA free pancakes at ihop
I think it is her favorite day because she never forgets it and always reminds me about it.
It rocks.
So while you're slowing down consider sitting your bum down and ihop and enjoying the beauty of free things!
Now hop to it!
Heehee I'm so punny :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

What Did I Just Flush Down The Toilet??

I have a confession.
I've broken Lent...
and It's only been going on for 4 days.
BUT I have good excuses!
So sit back and enjoy me squirm while I try to justify myself.

If you remember I'm abstaining from fries and ice cream.
Well, Kenz and I decided we'd both stay away from ALL fast food in general.
{I just didn't post that because I didn't want to feel guilty when I broke it, but it's gotten to the point where it is just pathetically funny.}

First day of Lent: Carlos buys us a pizza.
I resisted for five minutes but when the succulent peperoni's started calling my name I was in.
We could not say no to  free food.
It's an unspoken college rule.
Plus he spent his hard earned dollars on this Italian delight.
We couldn't just throw his money away like it grows on bushes!
Sin one committed.

The next day: free pizza in the bird house.
Don't worry, we resisted this time.
Just keep walking, walking, walking.

Saturday: "Hey Kenz there is free food before the basketball game, let's do that for dinn dinn."
We show up to be fed and there isn't a single soul in sight.
I think we got punked AGAIN!!
So we walked to the cafeteria which was closed.
Great time to go fishing cooks!!

We thought we were in luck when the school convenience store was open late.
BOOM! Chips and ice cream for dinner.
{naughty naughty I know}
You know those milk shakes you get at the gas station and you take the lid off and put it in the machine and it works its wonders and turns you regular Joe Shmo ice cream into milk shaky goodness.
I've never had one.
I thought this was my night.
Kenz went to pay for her junk dinner while the machine was finishing up and I hear the cashier say "dinning dollars don't work here."
My thought process..."UHHHHHHHHHHH. RUN!!!"
and that is precisely what I did.
There was a line of children waiting to use the magic machine and they all watched me run off in shame.
Kids don't EVER do this!!

We went to the basketball game with tummies growling and talked about breaking our fast for just this once and getting Cafe Rio.
So without a second thought we hit the road.
 Sin two committed.

Today is Sunday and I have Cafe Rio left overs.
I couldn't fit the whole burrito in my tummy last night.
I bet Ang is in shock at that thought.
So basically by the time the sun goes down tonight I will have broken Lent three times in four days.

Do you still love me anyway?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Shout Out

to the man, not boy, man who was rocking out to his headphones at breakfast today.
He had a jig in his step while he got his cereal and had some serious head banging going on.
I've always wanted to sing and dance with my iPod in public.

Oh wait... I do.
When I work out I mouth the words to the songs I'm listening to {facial expressions included} and bob my head a bit.
I get strange looks.
But HEY whatever gets me to the gym and working out is a good thing.
K peeps!

Sometimes I see people leaning over on their treadmills to tell their friends to look at me.
They point, they giggle.
and in my mind they lean a little too far and the treadmill belt carries them away, then I'M pointing and giggling.
Now what chica's?

Back to the subject...
This happy man is my hero.
He brightened my day and I just can't help but wonder what song he was listening to.
I wanna hear it.
If you saw someone who couldn't bear to keep their music to themselves because it was just so gosh darn great wouldn't you want to hear that song too?
Yep, yep, yep.

SOOOOOO do me a little favor and leave me the title of your favorite song in a comment box below.
Pretty please with an ice cream sundae on top.
You will be rewarded tenfold.
I can say that because if you do someone else will too and then there will be an abundance of good songs to listen to.

I guess I'll start with Between Sundays.
Happy song sharing dear frienders :)

Friday, February 24, 2012


Today I am in Neverland.
I can't focus my attention on anything for longer than 2 seconds.
I keep falling into a state daydream limbo.
I figure maybe if i sit down and type it out I'll be able to be somewhat productive today.

Music is the language of the heart.
When I hear a song that touches me down to the core I walk around in a Daze for days, pondering the words that penetrated my soul so deeply.
This happen to me last night.

I went to a benefit concert for Camp Kesem, a week long summer camp for kids whose parents have cancer.
I think the cause is heroic.
Sometimes life hands out the most bitter of lemons that force you to grow up and be responsible for things way over your head.
This camp is a beautiful thing.
These kids get to forget their problems for a week and JUST be kids.
Stunningly beautiful.

So as you can see my heart was very open to be touched when the local band Little Big Heart put me in the this state of contemplation.
Before this life changing song came to life they said to let all the people in your life that you care about know how you feel. Life moves too fast and sometimes we forget the people we love.
I knew the tears were coming.
The music filled the room and I squeezed my eyes shut.
I don't remember any of the words... BUT I remember that the words caused me to think and to feel overwhelming love in my heart.
When a song has the magnitude to move you to tears you otta think about heading its message.
This is me doing just that.

You know those people that you love with your whole heart?
The ones that you love SO much it hurts.
and you know when distance and time has separated you from those people?
Well there are some people in my life like that.

When a friend comes into my life they will always be a part of it in some way.
Even if we haven't talked in eon's they cross my mind every now and then and I hope with all of my being that they are happy.
Every person I've been close to has changed me with their love.
I am the sum of the parts of the people who have shaped me, and I will never forget them.

Life takes us down different paths,
but no matter the path taken, I can make a promise, if there ever comes a time in your life when you need a friend I will move heaven and earth for you.
I mean what I say, and I say what I feel.
When I give my word it's better than a contract etched into stone.

I know there is a person that popped into your mind when you read this.
Pick up the phone and call them.
I know that's a scary thought when it's someone you've lost touch with, but isn't that our purpose here?
To take care and love one another.
Today is the day to conquer fear of the unknown.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Not lint, but Lent.
Like the fast that some Christian religions participate in for 40 days and 40 nights before Easter.

My communications teacher announced to the class that she is going to abstain from chocolate for Lent.
That got me thinking; I could really take this as an opportunity and run with it.
I brought up the concept to Kenzie and we started brainstorming ideas.
A few were; forgo the gym {my personal favorite},
refrain from getting out of bed before 10:00 am every morning,
 or staying away from dark green salads at dinner...

Then some smarty pants shattered my world and informed me it actually has to be a sacrifice.
So I had to start my search all over again.
Oh how much I wish I could give up working out...
It's not that I don't like it.
It's that I absolutely hate it.
But I need to learn to love it because I want to establish healthy habits for my adult life.
Ha, funny right? Look at me being all responsible and junk.

So my goal for the next 40 days and 40 nights is to give up ice cream and fries.
I figure I'll have to work out less if I stop eating those foods ;)

What are y'all going to give up for the next cuarenta (forty) days?
Leave it in a comment below!
Oh and this is the funny picture from the Harlem Globe Trotters that I promised.
It gives me heart giggles.
Both of our faces are partially chopped out cause he's very vertically gifted.
Mr. Stretch is only shy of Yoa Ming's height by 4 inches.
Impressive I say!
This was a good moment, after Kenz told the photo I said "was I even in that?"
I made him laugh, I made the tall guy laugh!!

Talk to ya later, I gotta go save the world.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


What an odd word, right?
I hit the hay today in hopes of taking a nice unneeded nap,
and I couldn't stop thinking about that word.
GRRRR! No shut eye time for me.

Why was I thinking of this curious word you ask.
Well its real simple I say.
I've been playing Wordfeud with my mamma lately.
The sad thing about it is every time I'm about to win I get really busy with homework ;) ;) and forget to play her back.
Then I check it a week later and its like "oh you took too long to play so we automatically resigned for you. Your sorry little bum JUST LOST!!! [Insert evil laugh here]"
So we have never actually finished a game fair and square.

We are now coming a commence on our current game *cough * I'm up by 21 points *cough*
Excuse me I think I had a little competitiveness stuck in my throat.

Any who, so on this game there aren't very many more places to play, and there is a double word bonus above the word zoo...
So naturally I'm racking my brain trying to think of a word I can tack onto zoo.
That is when Zigzag came to mind.
Zigzagzoo sounds like a word right?
and if it's not I think I just might include it in my daily jargon anyway because it SHOULD be a word.
I can definitely see that catchword brightening someone's day.
"Homey, what up? Have a hecka zigzagzoo day!"
So who's with me? Let us all start saying zigzagzoo with gusto.
I know you've already said it thirty times in your head just for fun.

Then I look good long look at my tiles and realize I don't have any of the letters I'd need to build such a ridiculous word.
{Yes, Mark... I'm being ridiculous and I know it :) }
AND I also realized zoo is written hamburger style not hotdog style... so that possibility was a goner.
Rest in peace, dawg.
{I don't normally talk gangsta' I don't know what's going on today... just embrace it.}

So after all those thoughts ran through my head I thought...
I should write a children's book called Zigzagzoo!
Those things make bank and they don't even have to make sense, the kids don't know the difference.
Plus that's so many more people that I could indoctrinate into using my fun word :)
Pssssst no stealing my idea, ok? and if you do I get a fifty percent cut, please sign here ____

The moral of this story, don't think of silly words before trying to zonk out, you'll wake up feeling sleepier than when your head hit the pillow.
Second, if you have Wordfeud on you iPod or iPhone ect. hit me up yo!
{username is tamrasmith93}
Third, if you do, be scared because I'm good.
Third, I shouldn't talk gangsta', It's really weirding me out.
Fourth, I should learn to count.
Fifth, have zigzagzoo day! :)

This message was brought to you in part by Tamra Smith, sitting at her desk eating a healthy snack, Doc's orders. :)

Ten four over and out :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Home Bound

Business first.
Some of Y'all wanted to know what happen with the cup prank.
Monday Kenz came home from class and our lovely suitemate Ali was moving the cups BACK to our room!
Double whammy!!
But she made sure to leave the cups on Madi's side there til she got home to see them on Tuesday.

Next, you know how I think love stories are bogus?
Well I saw The Vow.
Not bogus at all.
It's a true story and it just proves that true love is a real thing.
I won't get all sappy on you, but I may have teared up.
It's worth the money to go see it.

I saw the Harlem Globe Trotters this week as well.
I just wish my brother could have been there, he loves such things.
I have a funny picture from it that I will post later, as of now I do not have the means to do so.

Last of all I am home bound.
I am stoked to go home and see this kid
and the kid on the left, maybe the one on the right as well?
This dude!

This chica

and maybe these goofs...

I wished I'd be seening this little guy... but he won't be there. This is just the most adorable picture known to man.

Ready or not I'm coming home!! :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

We've been Xed

Doesn't matter how ya say it, means the same thing and it's all done in the name of fun and games.
Until someone spills water on the lap top...

Last night we had a good friend over at our place.
He shall not be named.
{psssst it was Andrew for anyone who wants to pull something over on him}
He came over because we were planning to prank our friend Mark.
I let said person {Andrew} into the building for this planning meeting.
7:30 rolled around Kenz and I had a basketball game to attend to, said person asked if he could wait in our room while we were at our event.
His reason was that he was waiting for someone in our building to get home so he could ask him about a homework assignment.
Fair enough.

Kenz and I are very trusting people mind you.
But once we left the building my skeptic bone started acting up.
I looked and Kenz and said "I think he's up to something..."
She looked back at me with the eyes of an eagle and said "let's one up him!"

We skipped the basketball game and went to Where's Waldo World.

Andrew likes red bull, so the plan was to poke a hole in the bottom of a can, drain it, fill it with water, and seal the opening.
Thing is, we didn't have any poking devises handy.
So we used a tac we found at WWW, went into the bathroom and stabbed that thing right in the bud.
During the de-liquidation process someone came into the bathroom so I jumped on toilet so our guest wouldn't see four feet.
That can of Red Bull leaked for a very looooooooong time and very sPoRaDiC like.
Needless to say I was giggling my little fingers off.
 I even let out one big sigh of relief to humor our visitor.

After all that we paid for our items and headed to Andrews.
I texted his roommate who left the door unlocked for us.
I transformed his room into a spider web while Kenz worked her magic with the tin can.
We worked wonders,  ight.
We did.
But we forgot to take pictures and Andrew walked in right when we were getting ready to leave.

So we helped him clean it up...
Well actually...
I just twirled around in the string until I was so tied up that he had to cut me out of it.
Very fun, I recommend it.
Seriously get off your badonkadonk and try it.

Any how Andrew convinced us that he hadn't done anything to our room.
HA HA and we believed him.
No really, we did.

As I walked into our room and saw what was before us I knew I would never thirst again.
The water Gods left me a palooza of cups full of H2O.
I must have done something right, I'm' telling you.
Blessing in disguise.
I never have to fill a water bottle up again.
and the ones on the window sill...
Midnight water!!!
That's right, no one wants to get out of bed when they are tired and parched, and now I never have to.
Lazy? no.
It's called smarts up in here *points to noggin*

The blessings do not cease there.
Maze 2.0 was created from this.
Instead of cleaning up ALL the cups like sane human beings would, we made path ways to all the important places.
{we like living in mazes if you haven't notived by now}
I think we were rats in our last life.

That was until living in sheer fear of dropping an electronic device in the water was too much for me to bare.
After Kenzie's camera slipped through my butterfingers and knocked over five cups I was done.

Yet again, the blessing do NOT end there.
We re-gifted, and when I said re-gifted I really mean re-pranked, the cups.
We simply moved them from our room into our MIA suitemates room.
Boy are they in for a treat when they get back tonight.
Nohing says home like a room full of water!
In the words of my accomplice: Kenzie, "it's the prank that just keeps on giving!"

Oh and World War 3: the pranking edition has begun.
Mark and Andrew a few words of advice....
Watch your backs, Check under your chairs in your classrooms, never go to the bathroom alone, glue  googly eyes to the backs of your heads {you're gonna need 'em}, and always ALWAYS wear your shoes backwards, because in the words of me "it is upon us."

Friday, February 10, 2012

Memories are Made when Plans Change

Last night’s plan was to go as follows: go to work, come home, eat a small dinner, work out, watch Toy Story, and then fall into a blissful sleep.

What REALLY happen was erratically different.
The only similarity was work, it's a necessary evil.
I came home and ate a gargantuan dinner.
As the Chinese proverb says; a belly must be satisfied for the human to be elated.
Actually I just made that up, but it’s good enough to be a proverb right?
After I’d consumed 5 times my body weight I had this peachy idea, why stop eating?
{no pun intended}

Without skipping a beat I called Kenzie who was at Wally World of all places, and told her to purchase some ice cream.
Upon her arrival home we threw some cookie dough in the oven, pulled it out before it was cooked all the way, and loaded ice cream on top of it.
It's called a pacookie :)
Definition: The food of angels; taste buds and sweet concoction in perfect harmony.
"Huh... looks like poop." -Kenzie
I ate to my heart’s content, all the while spewing out excuses why we couldn't go to the gym.
Needless to say after 20 minutes of giving very solid reasons, it worked, and we didn't work out.
This may be view by some as a failure, but in my eyes it was a huge success.
I needed a break.

After filling my tummy with delightful happiness it was time to watch Toy Story.
Kenz found it on the internet and we started watching it.
A few minutes later I looked and her and said "Kenz is this in English?"
We busted a gut laughing so hard.
Now I have to insert a thought here; our minds are incredibly powerful.
It seriously took us minutes to figure out we were watching it in German!
I believed that I understood what was being said so it didn't occur to me that in all reality I didn't have a clue.

That is mind over matter mastery right there.
We ended up watching The Little Mermaid instead, for language reasons.
It's still my most favorite Disney movie in the history of our galaxy.

I know this night probably won't have a huge impact on the rest of my life.
But it was full of simple joys.
It was slowing down in this crazy fast world and just soaking in the fact that life is, indeed, wonderful.
One of my greatest fears is being so rushed that I forget to relish in moments.
Last night I relished, rolled in, and savored the moments.
{when I say rolled in it, I mean it in the sense of rolling in 6 zillion dollars.}
Moments grow up into memories, so pay them mind and live in them as much as you can.

And that my friends is the way the pacookie crumbles, believe it or not.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Oh My Heart...

Having a voice. an opinion. a say.
It matters.

These boys have something that they believe strongly in.
Listen to them.

My heart goes out to them and I think it's wonderful that they are trying to make a difference.
Please take a few minutes of your time and watch this YouTube video.

It changed my heart.
Will you let it change yours?

Read more about the dangers of Ford Explorers here.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Name's Smith

Tamra Smith.

I watched James Bond for the first time in my life last night.
It rocked my world.
You know the line "shaken not stirred"
I thought that came from the movie" Santa Clause".
That 'tis not so.
That line was hijacked from Mr. Bond.
{Just in case any of you out there are as clueless as I am and wanted to know the true origin of the quote}

I've been thinking a lot about who Tamra Smith is.
All my life I've been a "dancer".
But here at college I've seen that part of me fading a lot.
The one thing that has always defined me isn't ME anymore.
I love dance. I enjoy watching it, I like doing it, but I don't fit in that world.
It's not my passion.

I'm the type of person who NEEDS to feel the passion.
As Garth Brooks said: "I have a need to feel the thunder, chase the lightning from the sky, to watch a storm with all its wonder..."
I don't know if this need for passion is because I'm so young and I have a lot of life ahead of me or what it is?

I'm a shy person; I'm not good a speaking in front of people, I say dumb things like I have 5 brothers and sisters?
WHATTTTTT??? No I don't!!
Unless we're counting that imaginary friend I never had as a child.
But I feel like "There is a fire in my eyes, and I will let it burn, there's a scream in my voice and I WILL be heard. There is a fire in my eyes and I will let it burn until I'm heard."
{Red Jumpsuit Apparatus "Seventeen ain't so sweet"}

I truly believe that I'm meant to do something that is so much bigger than myself in this life.
I have a passion to make a difference.
I know that I have no way of meeting that challenge on my own.
Without the Lord as my guide I wouldn't be able to conquer my fears.
If He needs me to do something I know He will provide a way for me to accomplish it.
I'm confident that I will be able to work through my struggles and come out refined and ready to do what I'm supposed to.
I'm weak, I'm the dust of the earth, but with my Savior I can do impossible {to me} things.

I've been scared right out of my wits this semester.
I've chosen to take an education path that to me is impossible.
But I don't doubt for a second that this where the Lord wants me to go and that I will succeed.
It's just one of those things that I know with my whole heart and I can't deny it.

I'm extremely grateful for church.
Throughout the week I struggle and my heart turns cool because of the frustrations I have with myself.
My faith becomes weak and I become weary.
But the second I walk into that blessed building I am able to feel peace and comfort.
I know that my savior loves me and will never leave me.

I love my stake president.
I swear that man looks into my eyes and sees my soul.
It's the scariest thing ever.
One time I was wrestling with my self worth,
he looked me in the eyes and said "You know you're a beautiful daughter of God, right?"
Tears rolled down my cheeks and love poured over me.
I couldn't speak, I couldn't say anything.
How did he know about the inner battle I was having?
That man has the spirit with him, he is inspired.
I know it. Every time he speaks he says something that brings unspeakable peace to my life.
I'm so blessed to have this gospel in my life.

In relief society today we had a lesson about self-worth and to demand respect from men.
Sometimes I worry that I will never find someone because I'm too picky.
I have too many standards.
But I DO deserve the best and I will not settle.
One day I will find a man who loves the Lord and can look deep into my soul and love me for who I am, imperfections and all.
It will happen.

For my family at home:
I love you.
Mom thank you for loving me through the rough times of my life and all my mistakes.
Dad thank you for providing for our family.
Ryan you are the greatest big brother, and you really are amazing, I hope you know that.
Ang you are the greatest example to me and the truest friend I could ever have.
Brett you just keep getting 4.0's and beat my GPA ;) you have no idea how happy that made me when you told me your goal was to beat me and graduate with a 4.0 It's hard work but I know you can do it.
Nate you are such a sweet boy, you are smart and you are funny. Never let the things of this world or the people of this world make you believe otherwise because God see's so much more in you than you could ever know. Learn of him, he will be there for you ALWAYS.

Aunt's, Uncle's, Cousin's, and friend's thank you for reading my blog and supporting me in my love for writing. I love you.

Live. Laugh. Pray.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Copier Crisis

Today a lot of simple things keep bringing a smile to my face.
The snow on the ground.
Scarf weather.
The song "Between Sundays" by DJ Miller.
Hot cocoa!!
and almost ridding the world of all paper in existence...
on accident of course!

Let's talk hot chocolate for a second.
You know those girls walking around campus that have on their super cute winter outfits?
They look so cozy warm and dang cute.
Have you ever noticed that they always have a cup of hot cocoa in their hands?
Well I'm Dorky McDorkerson...
I have always wanted one of those thermoses!

Yesterday I bought one...
at the dollar store!
YAY for bargain shopping!

It has brought me immense joy!
Plus, it's kept me warm on this blustery grey day.

Cause of happiness number 2:
I know it's weird when clothes make people happy,
but I have a confession; EVERY time I wear these boots I can't help but walk with confidence.
They're just so me.
I love this scarf and shirt combo too much, and my hair worked out today.
Those factors just made a person feel good.
Ok, girly girl moment over.
Glad that passed, kinda freaked me out for a sec:)

Cause of happiness number 3:
That boy I've been eyeing in my agriculture class...
We talked today :)
annnnnnnnnnnnd he caught up to me after class to chat some more...
ok ok ok
I know it's nothing...
but still

Gushing ends here. I promise.
I don't think I've told you, but I write notes for a deaf kid in my agriculture class.
I'm a good note taker; I take them to the service center EVERYDAY!
But they continue to pester me and call me a thousand times a day telling me he's not getting the notes.
The worst part is they leave me voicemails, my biggest pet peeve.
It's gotten out of control; they now send me e-mails as well.
As you can tell, this is a source of great frustration for me

Usually when I take my notes in, there is a girl who copies them for me.
She wasn't there today, so I asked a lady for help.
Lady asked if I knew the code, {the code is just a number on the folder the notes go in} I told her yes, and then she left.
My thought process: Uhhhhhhhhhhh.

So I took matters into my own hands.
Now the girl usually types something into the copier, so I thought well maybe I need to type the folder code in.
I punched in 1598
WHY would I do that, I don't know.
Papers started shooting out all over the place.
Thought process: Uhhhhhhhhhhh cancel button, cancel button, cancel button.
Luckily I figured it out before I was swimming in an ocean of papers.
I think from now on I'll leave the copying up to the professionals.

Needless to say I lived up to my tree slayer nick name.
I got it in 8th grade in typing class.
Jean Lawrence got up from her computer so I went over and pushed print 500 times.
At the end of class the teacher was like JEAN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??
I burst out laughing, got caught, and was given the title of hating all things that produced oxygen.
So if one day we do run out of air.
Forgive me, please :)

P.S. Listen to "Between Sundays" right here.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I Go To The Gym

I'm trying to get rid of my elbow fat.
and have you seen my knees?
Can I say rolling hills of lard?

I joke, I joke!

Now one thing I should point out.
You probably shouldn't take everything I say so seriously.
Really though, I'm being serious.
The only serious bone I have in my body is my funny bone.
A little, maybe.

When I hit my funny bone I don't burst out into laughter and walk around like "HEY GUYS the funniest thing just happen! I hit my elbow, soooo funny right??"
No, no, no.
That scenario looks more like my face being twisted in pain, not so much from my elbow; but because I've caused my tongue to bleed from biting it unbelievably hard in order to keep myself from cursing out loud in church.
Seriously it's against the law to cuss in a church house.
But speaking of my "serious" bone and church...

There was this ONE time I hit it and it was a laugh producing event.
I was in Young Women’s sitting next to my friend Morgan,
and I have no idea what came over me, but I swung my arm backward and smacked my tender bone on the back of my chair.
Morgan started laughing and I did too because I knew I'd just done something really stupid.
My teacher continued the lesson, but when the laughter didn't cease she inquired as to "what was so funny?"
Morgan and I looked at each other and then I went on to explain that "I just did this" and demonstrated it.
*smack* funny bone
I know, dumb, right?
I didn't think I'd actually hit the bone again.
I thought it was rare to hit it twice within the same month.
But that caused a roar of laughter to erupt from everyone.
{p.s. yes, I DO hit my funny bone in church a lot.}

Once again I'm way off subject.
I was going to tell y'all about my gym experience today.
I planned to go work out RIGHT after I took my math exam,
so I brought my shoes in my bag,
so on and so forth.

I walked to the gym and by the time I got there my boots were soaked clear through.
Thank you blizzard!
I went into the locker room and my socks were mushy wet.
Two options; work out bare foot or sockless.
Then I put my thinking cap on and got out my handy dandy note book and thought of alternatives.
My solution: making socks out of paper towels.
It was kind of a liberating experience, not being restricted by socks and all.
Try it.

That's all for now folks.
Keep livin, lovin, and laughin :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Some People Count Carbs

Others calories
Strange people choose to count sheep.
I'm not judging.
I do none of the above.
I count stairs. {Ha and I’m calling sheep counters strange!}

I don't know if my fellow SUU students have noticed;
but our campus is built on a hill.
Or in my mind, a mountain of horrors and all things bad.
I think the contractors were looking at the layout of the land and they were like "Hey dude, DUDE!! I have a rad idea! Man, lets like, put ALL the classrooms at the top of this monstrous hill."

My question: Why couldn't they have constructed the sports center on the peak of the mountain? HUH??
Those people are fit, they work out every day.
A hill should not be their demise like it is mine.
It's completely embarrassing when you're having a conversation with someone and you reach the stairs, you bend over put your hands on your knees, mentally prepare yourself for the task at hand, and then politely ask them to 'pause'.
Once you reach the top, you let them know it's ok to pick it up where they left off.
You apologize and explain to them that talking and walking up steps isn't your forte.
And if you try it you'll run out of breath midway and pass out.
I've had to do this a number of times.

Oh the other hand I know I shouldn't complain.
I can attribute my rockin thighs and buns of steel to the stairs I have to hoist myself up every day.
12 golden stars to every blasted stair that resides on SUU campus.
But let’s get back to me counting stairs.
I am a curious person; you might just call me a cat.
Actually please don't, or I will flush all your socks down a toilet :)
ANYHOW... sheesh so many distractions... I wanted to find out just how many stairs I was really conquering on a daily basis.
My estimate: 7 million.
Give or take 10.
So far today I've triumphed over 496 stairs, and counting.
My guestimate was only slightly off.
a meager 6,999,504.
No biggy.

Regardless, I feel like a champ!
After calculating that number I can take on anything.
Tomorrow, if I'm in a really good mood, I think I'll give piggy backs up the summit.
Keep your eyes crossed that I wake up on the soft side of the bed!

Dancing up the stairs