Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Some People Count Carbs

Others calories
Strange people choose to count sheep.
I'm not judging.
I do none of the above.
I count stairs. {Ha and I’m calling sheep counters strange!}

I don't know if my fellow SUU students have noticed;
but our campus is built on a hill.
Or in my mind, a mountain of horrors and all things bad.
I think the contractors were looking at the layout of the land and they were like "Hey dude, DUDE!! I have a rad idea! Man, lets like, put ALL the classrooms at the top of this monstrous hill."

My question: Why couldn't they have constructed the sports center on the peak of the mountain? HUH??
Those people are fit, they work out every day.
A hill should not be their demise like it is mine.
It's completely embarrassing when you're having a conversation with someone and you reach the stairs, you bend over put your hands on your knees, mentally prepare yourself for the task at hand, and then politely ask them to 'pause'.
Once you reach the top, you let them know it's ok to pick it up where they left off.
You apologize and explain to them that talking and walking up steps isn't your forte.
And if you try it you'll run out of breath midway and pass out.
I've had to do this a number of times.

Oh the other hand I know I shouldn't complain.
I can attribute my rockin thighs and buns of steel to the stairs I have to hoist myself up every day.
12 golden stars to every blasted stair that resides on SUU campus.
But let’s get back to me counting stairs.
I am a curious person; you might just call me a cat.
Actually please don't, or I will flush all your socks down a toilet :)
ANYHOW... sheesh so many distractions... I wanted to find out just how many stairs I was really conquering on a daily basis.
My estimate: 7 million.
Give or take 10.
So far today I've triumphed over 496 stairs, and counting.
My guestimate was only slightly off.
a meager 6,999,504.
No biggy.

Regardless, I feel like a champ!
After calculating that number I can take on anything.
Tomorrow, if I'm in a really good mood, I think I'll give piggy backs up the summit.
Keep your eyes crossed that I wake up on the soft side of the bed!

Dancing up the stairs

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