Thursday, February 23, 2012


Not lint, but Lent.
Like the fast that some Christian religions participate in for 40 days and 40 nights before Easter.

My communications teacher announced to the class that she is going to abstain from chocolate for Lent.
That got me thinking; I could really take this as an opportunity and run with it.
I brought up the concept to Kenzie and we started brainstorming ideas.
A few were; forgo the gym {my personal favorite},
refrain from getting out of bed before 10:00 am every morning,
 or staying away from dark green salads at dinner...

Then some smarty pants shattered my world and informed me it actually has to be a sacrifice.
So I had to start my search all over again.
Oh how much I wish I could give up working out...
It's not that I don't like it.
It's that I absolutely hate it.
But I need to learn to love it because I want to establish healthy habits for my adult life.
Ha, funny right? Look at me being all responsible and junk.

So my goal for the next 40 days and 40 nights is to give up ice cream and fries.
I figure I'll have to work out less if I stop eating those foods ;)

What are y'all going to give up for the next cuarenta (forty) days?
Leave it in a comment below!
Oh and this is the funny picture from the Harlem Globe Trotters that I promised.
It gives me heart giggles.
Both of our faces are partially chopped out cause he's very vertically gifted.
Mr. Stretch is only shy of Yoa Ming's height by 4 inches.
Impressive I say!
This was a good moment, after Kenz told the photo I said "was I even in that?"
I made him laugh, I made the tall guy laugh!!

Talk to ya later, I gotta go save the world.


  1. Love the pic! I was thinking I would like to give up food for 40 days, but do how I don't think that will go over very well.

    1. Hahaha yeah I could see that making your tummy very angry at you!
