Friday, February 24, 2012


Today I am in Neverland.
I can't focus my attention on anything for longer than 2 seconds.
I keep falling into a state daydream limbo.
I figure maybe if i sit down and type it out I'll be able to be somewhat productive today.

Music is the language of the heart.
When I hear a song that touches me down to the core I walk around in a Daze for days, pondering the words that penetrated my soul so deeply.
This happen to me last night.

I went to a benefit concert for Camp Kesem, a week long summer camp for kids whose parents have cancer.
I think the cause is heroic.
Sometimes life hands out the most bitter of lemons that force you to grow up and be responsible for things way over your head.
This camp is a beautiful thing.
These kids get to forget their problems for a week and JUST be kids.
Stunningly beautiful.

So as you can see my heart was very open to be touched when the local band Little Big Heart put me in the this state of contemplation.
Before this life changing song came to life they said to let all the people in your life that you care about know how you feel. Life moves too fast and sometimes we forget the people we love.
I knew the tears were coming.
The music filled the room and I squeezed my eyes shut.
I don't remember any of the words... BUT I remember that the words caused me to think and to feel overwhelming love in my heart.
When a song has the magnitude to move you to tears you otta think about heading its message.
This is me doing just that.

You know those people that you love with your whole heart?
The ones that you love SO much it hurts.
and you know when distance and time has separated you from those people?
Well there are some people in my life like that.

When a friend comes into my life they will always be a part of it in some way.
Even if we haven't talked in eon's they cross my mind every now and then and I hope with all of my being that they are happy.
Every person I've been close to has changed me with their love.
I am the sum of the parts of the people who have shaped me, and I will never forget them.

Life takes us down different paths,
but no matter the path taken, I can make a promise, if there ever comes a time in your life when you need a friend I will move heaven and earth for you.
I mean what I say, and I say what I feel.
When I give my word it's better than a contract etched into stone.

I know there is a person that popped into your mind when you read this.
Pick up the phone and call them.
I know that's a scary thought when it's someone you've lost touch with, but isn't that our purpose here?
To take care and love one another.
Today is the day to conquer fear of the unknown.

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