Saturday, March 31, 2012

Opening a Door

Sometimes small things lead to great things.
We may not know it in the moment, but it is true.

Last night Kenz and I went out for ice cream.
When we came back we saw some Saudi Arabian boys behind us with bags and bags of groceries.
Instinctively we waited for them and held the door open while the made their way into the building.
Then they invited us to come up to the lair {living room} with them.
They were making food and wanted to share with us.

They showed us some crazy YouTube videos of cars driving on two wheels.
In one of the short films the people climbed out of the moving car hung to the side of it as they took the tires off the wheels that weren't touching the ground.
It was insane.
I asked them if people do that a lot in Saudi Arabia.
He said "every Friday night!"
That made us laugh for a while.

When the food was finished cooking they taught us how they eat in Saudi Arabia.
You always use your right hand, and everyone shares the same dish.
You just dig in!
You scoop some rice into your hand, squish it a little to make a ball, and use your thumb to push it into your mouth.
It was fun to learn about their culture and talk to them.

Kenz and I found out we are terrible Americans.
THEY told us about some American show that is popular here, neither of us knew what it was.
At one point I was trying to say technology but I just stuttered and it wouldn't come out.
They were like are you trying to say technology?
Ha ha yes. Yes I am. Sorry I have a hard time speaking English sometimes.
They also told us about how they love to go to California.
Kenz and I admitted to them that neither of us have ever been.
Their jaws dropped and they just looked at us completed stunned!
"You must go! You must go!"

One of our new friends asked us why we came to SUU and I didn't really know why.
I told him I closed my eyes and pointed to a place and a map
and WALA!!
here I am.
He thought that was very hilarious and laughed for a very long time.
Kenz and I had a good time talking to these guys and sharing our cultures.
I think they are fasting right now, because they told us about their fast and asked us if we fast.
We explained that we fast once a month and give the money we would have spent on that meal to charity.

Before we all dispersed and left to our separate rooms we wanted to take a few pictures of our gathering.
All of them took turns taking pictures with us, they were very excited to show their brothers back in Saudi Arabia their new American friends.
We were famous for a night and it was a blast.

Who knew that holding a door open could lead to an evening of fun and laughter.
One act of kindness can go a long way and expand your horizon more than you'd ever dream of!
I will always remember this night :)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Tongues Should not be Shared

I don't eat weird foods.
I won't eat fish.
I would never DREAM of trying animal brains, better know as sweetbreads.
All in all,

Two of my very greatest friends Marcus and Carlitos took me to a Mexican restaurant for lunch yesterday.
I was searching the menu when I asked for advice {mistake one}.
Mark suggested I get the lengua tacos.
I trusted him because he would never betray me, right? {mistake two}
We were talking while waiting for our food and I said something ridiculous, Mark wasn't even going to respond but then he looked up and I guess I was making a really funny face at him:
Like an uh-huh-what-ya-gonna-say-now face.
It kinda looked like the face below, but funnier it's hard to repeat.
I mention this because we laughed for a long time over it.

Moving on.
In the midst of all this ordering I had to run Kenzie to the elementary school so she wouldn't be late for work.
I came back to the restaurant and Mark and Carlos were done eating.
I sat down and immediately dug into my tacos.
Oh boy were they tender!
The MOST tender beef I'd ever tried!
I ate one but couldn't finish the second so I packed it to go.
Midnight snack, wooo!

After eating we headed to Wal-Mart because I needed make up.
Oh what a funny sight it was having Mark and Carlos trying to help me chose a good concealer.
I was cracking up at how silly the whole situation was when Mark asked Carlos if they should tell me the truth.

Red flags went up!
Truth? Truth about what???

Then the nasty words came out of his mouth...
"Tami you ate cow tongue."
Oh dear puppy dogs I was upset.
Instantly my stomach started the churn and ache.
Some dead cow in heaven could taste my amniotic fluids...
or stomach acids, either or.

I had a tummy ache for the rest of the day.
Moral of the story, never, neVER, NEVER let someone order for you in another language.
They will trick you every time.

On the drive home I had to stick my head out the window so I wouldn't have to smell the dead cow tongue sitting next to me in the to-go box and the other half unsettled in my body.

If you want to feel my pain type "cow tongue" into Google images.
10-4 over and out.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Climbing Trees

One upon a time there were two college students.
One girl and one boy.
Tami and Brogan.
They were both odd people.
Always wanting to break social norms and do things a little bit differently.

One night Tami was lying awake in bed feeling like life had gotten a tad bit too serious.
She just wanted to her child like free spirit to take over and feel spunky again.
Then it came to her, the idea to find a tree and climb it.

After a night of restless sleep Tami set off on her journey to find the perfect climbing tree.
and find the perfect climbing tree she did.
The only thing left to do was to find a friend as weird as her to do it with.
A quick text to Brogan and the plan was taking flight.

Tami went to the library to find him.
When she spotted him in the honors commons she proceeded to smash her face against the window....
This part of the story is irrelevant... continuing on.

Tami showed Brogan the tree and they climbed to their hearts content.
They even asked a passerby {Brogans friend} to join them
That is when the big bad po po showed up.
He huffed and he puffed and made the fun loving college kids come down from their perch.

Even thought Tami got kicked out of the tree she felt her playful spirits coming alive once again.
Oh and did I mention this was her first time in a tree in over a decade.
Yep, end of that story and speaking in third person {it's exhausting}.

Last night I was helping a friend with math {funny right?}
and I left this note for someone.
I hope it brightens their day :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Why I Love Concerts So Gosh Darn Much

I am a lucky girl.
My sister Angela paid for me and my roommate Kenzie to go to the Imagine Dragons concert in St. Geezy {St. George} on Thursday.
Needless to say, I loved it.

A few reasons why concerts rock my socks:
One. When else do you get to scream at the top of your lungs when someone asks you how you're doing? Never just concerts.
Two. Concerts are the only place where instant friends are made because you and another person decided to team up against that meany pants that is trying to steal your front row spot.
Three. You get to dance like a crazy person and people think you are cool.
Four. You get to scream your favorite songs and strain your vocal chords and blow your ears out.
Five. Being at a concert is pure bliss.

Concerts rock.

The two bands that opened for them were kinda...
But having said that I didn't have to like them to appreciate them.
The first band was like one of those high school garage bands that makes so much noise the neighbors move away.
Hard on the ears right?
But the bass guy had AWESOME dance moves that I plan to use freely at any time of my life.
Second even though my ears were bleeding his fingers moved up and down the fret board with incredible speed.
So even though it wasn't my cup of cocoa, he was talented.

The second band started playing and I thought spirits were rising out of the ground.
Freaky music I tell ya!!
Their last song was somewhat decent and then all of a sudden the guy picked up a megaphone and started screaming into it.
I was thinking 'Hide your kids, hide your wives, their killin everyone's ear drums up in here!'
But the thing I could appreciate was in one song their drummer did this really cool thing that I have never seen before...
He played the drums with a tamberine!
Well done creepy band. Well done.
*A clap from me*

Then the fire works went off when Imagine Dragons came out.
{figuratively of course}
They were phomenal!
Their opening song was "Round and Round"
Dan Reynolds is the singer and he has this HUGE drum...
Every time he started to play it there was so much passion emanating from him.
It was tangible and you could feel it.
Seriously amazing.

They did a song called Radio Active, again just great.
Dan was going crazy on his drum and he ended up splitting his finger open.
When the song was over he laughed and said "St. George you guys are CRAZY! I will never forget you. I will always think of you when I see the blood spatter on my drum."

Dan wrote the song It's Time.
He told us it was inspired by a period in his life that was difficult and he was trying to decided what path he would be taking in life; that is when he chose music. 
This song was my favorite.
He stopped singing the lyrics and the crowd sang the chores back to him.
Those are my favorite concert moments, because everyone is united through the words of the song.

At one point he yelled out "St. George what do you like to do for fun?"
and some kid said "go to the temple!"
Dan laughed for a very long time and said "oh man I love you guys St. George!"

For one of the songs Dan came out in the crowd and was dancing with everyone.
That was fun.

Look 'em up they are great.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hunger Games

We got to the movie theater an hour and a half before the movie was to begin.
We wanted really good seats, ok?
Actually it was Andrews fault but we love him so we are going to try to hide his mistake ;)

We played arcade games and dominated them.
and While we waited in line we played Egyptian rat screw and an Irish drinking game.
Let's just say if we were playing it the real way Andrew would have been wasted.
We found lip stick in Kenzie's purse and Andrew practiced applying in... on me.
Very interesting.

 The Hunger Games movie was mind BLOWING!
Holy mold on toast!
I couldn't talk for two hours after I saw it.
I was struck dumb.

All I have to say is go see it peeps.
I am a harsh movie critic and it takes a lot for me to like a show.
I cried like 7 times.
Five hundred thousand stars from me.

I am Blessed.

I have had so many humbling experiences this week and I have to express the gratitude in my heart.

This week has been rough on me.
But I have a wonderful sister that I can call at 1:00 am and cry to.
She is so strong and her friends are so blessed to have her.
She has a pure heart and she takes friendship seriously.
She'd do ANYTHING for anyone.
I love her and I'm incredibly grateful for her example in my life.
{here are some more pictures she's taken}

I also have crazy great roommate that loves me and helps me.
We share some of the same struggles in life, and it's nice to have her.
I woke up one morning and she had left song lyrics on my desk.
"I will not doubt, I will not fear; God's love and strength are always near.
His promised gift helps me to find an inner strength and peace of mind.
I give the father willingly my trust, my prayers, humility. His spirit guides, his love assures that fear departs when faith endures."

Also My brother Ryan has been a major blessing in my life this week.
I had a break down about a project I was supposed to get done over Spring Break but didn't even start.
He walked me through the whole thing and let me send him Email's on a daily basis, which he then would look over and give me tips.
I present tomorrow and I feel a lot better about it because of his help.

I had the opportunity to go to Shayla Hunt's baptism this week.
Again, I was so humbled by the spirit that was there.
There have been three baptisms in our ward this year and each one has been so inspiering.
These girls are so amazing and they make me want to be better.
They are so strong.

I was also able to attend the YSA conference this weekend with my friend Henry.
The devotional at the beginning was moving.
The spirit was there and I was able to feel peace.
Elder L. Whitney Clayton was talking about when he was young he had a lot of plans for his life.
He wanted to go to college to become a doctor, which we all know takes a very long time.
He figured with a mission, school, and this extra training like an internship that doctors do {I can't remember what it's called} it would take him at least 15 years.
He didn't want to be entering into real life at the age of 34.
Then a wise man said to him "How old will you be in 15 years if you do none of those things?"
He replied "34."
"And how old will you be in 15 years if you do all of those things?"
Again his reply was "34."
The man then said "When you are 34 do you want to have accomplish all those things, half those things, or none of those things?"

That hit me hard.
I know there are so many things I want to do in my life and I always think 'sheesh I don't have time to do everything I want to because I'm not going to be young forever."
How true that is, but by the time I am 34 I want to have done the things I wanted to do instead of sitting around worrying that I'd eventually get old.
I will get old.
But when I am I want a rich supply of experience to look back on.

Never let the fear of getting old stop you, embrace where you are at in life right now and live it to the fullest.
You'll never get these moments back and one day you will miss them.

On to the most humbling experience this week;
I asked some members in the bishop rick to give me a blessing today.
I didn't tell them what I've been struggling with but they laid their hands on my head and gave me the most beautiful blessing.
My heart was so full and I know that the message they gave me was from God.
I know that God is aware of me and he loves me.
I was given extra strength and courage and I can't even to begin to express my gratitude for worthy priesthood holders in my life.
This gospel is true and my heart is full.

Every day go about doing good continually.
Be gracious.
Be loving.
Be a witness.

If You Don't Eat, You Don't Poop. If You Don't Poop You Die.

Those are the wise words that came out of my Agriculture professors mouth a few days ago.
I thought my mom would appreciate it.
She's probably shaking her head right now thinking "Another poop joke from Tam."
Mommy one day I will grow up, I think.
Just not today, or tomorrow
Or for a long time :)

Man I feel like I haven't written in awhile I miss it.
Spring break was crazy busy and tons of fun.
Then the moment I got back I had a boat load of homework to catch up on.
So my brain and emotions have been scrambled eggs this week.

I got this new app on my iPod that I am obsessed with.
It's called draw something.
I was so excited to tell my sister Ang about it... but she already had it.
Oh crumbly cookies!
One day I will find a good app before she does.
Any how I was so sucked into it the other day, I took it to dinner with me.
I was trying to guess this one drawing and it was nearly impossible.
We walked into the cafeteria and Kenzie and Ali dispersed to go get their dinner.
I was left standing there lost in my game and I kinda forgot I was in public.
Then I yelled "guys it's Adele! How do you spell Adele??"
I looked up and was immediately embarrassed.
Ha. ha. ha. Oh hi there people, are you enjoying your dinner? Oh good. Well I'm gonna go...
In the middle of eating a friend walked up to our table and said"so you word was Adele huh?"
Ok new rule: no more draw something at dinner.

Also this week I had the privileged of going to the university farm to see cute little lambs being born.
On of them died and it made me really sad.
Kenz came along as well.
We were the only people there who were fascinated by the sheep running.
Unfortunately Kenz lost her phone in the barn, we looked everywhere but couldn't find it.
The next day she secretly went back and picked it up.
I was not aware of this occurrence.
She had the devious idea to prank text me pretending to be the farm people.

The first text read: "When you come pick up your phone bring a zip lock bag. We found it in a pile of sheep excretions. Thanks."
I felt so hopeless. I didn't know how to contact her and I knew we wouldn't be seeing each other all day.

So I facebooked her.
"Dude you need a zip lock bad, they found your phone in a pile of sheep excretions. hahahhahahaha."

Kenz thought the joke was ruined because she accidentally sent me a text that just had a bunch of numbers in it.
But being me I just thought the farm people were having a hay day with the phone.

I came home from work and Kenz still wasn't back I started to worry because there wasn't a note or anything.
Then I got another text saying: "the person who's name my phone can't spell is not here so you should come."

I replied: 
"Hey I don't have a car and I haven't seen her all day so I can't come pick it up."

They said: "well her phone is really starting to stink."

I had no idea where she was so I wrote her a note {and Facebooked her again} saying: "Hey they found your phone, they said it smells really bad. You need to pick it up ASAP. Ummm so Facebook me when you get this. If I don't hear from you by 11:00 pm I am calling the police... ha ha I'm just a little worried."
I was about to go out looking for her when I saw the sticky note on the door that said she was at the rock wall and a 'certain person' might be there.
Then all the puzzle pieces started to fit together.
The person who's-name-my-phone-can't-spell' wasn't me! It was the 'certain person' mentioned in note...

Later when we talked about it Kenz said she was laughing so hard because she was getting alerts from Facebook about my messages.
She got a hoot and half out of it.

I supposed to deserved the prank after all the phone pranks I've been pulling.

I love you all.
Stay great.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring-Super-Busy-Not-Very-Relaxing-Break Part I

Spring break started a tad bit early for me.
I left my agriculture class early, I was squeamish.
I just couldn't sit there and listen to a monotonous lecture any longer.
I had spring fever BAD!
We hit the road around 3:30

I got home and unpacked... more like let my bags throw up in my room...
Same difference, right?
Then my family returned home from Brett's soccer game.

Now I want to take a moment and express how pleased I am with my younger bro.
He is a freshman and he plays varsity soccer.
In his second game he scored as a defender, which is basically a big deal.
My mom said it was a great goal, and he knocked down a lot of people on his way, legally of course.
I think he is pretty great.

After the game my aunt Reeda showed up and we all sat around talking and enjoying one another's company.
It was good to see my sister.
I rarely see her because she's going to school in Chicago.

Saturday we had an early Easter dinn dinn with the whole family.
It was colorful and scrumptious.
We played a lot of dominion (best card game ever!)
and later that evening we went to a John Allred concert.
It was a small intimate show; he talked a lot about his music and the stories behind his songs.
I loved it.

Sunday was stake conference.
After church we took Ang to the airport; where Brett, Nate, and I goofed off on the moving sidewalks!
Those things are my favorite inventions EVER! :)
When I own a home I think I will install one!
Then we played dominion for ten hours.

Games always get a little wild at the Smith's residence.
Everyone in my family is very competitive.
We all want to win and are very loud about it.
Each time we would start a new game we would all race to go first, which resulted in everyone taking 5 turns simultaneously.
Then we'd look at Brett who still hadn't taken a single turn and wait for him.
The second he was finished playing the 5 turns he missed we'd all race again to start the play of the game "first".
I won the race every time, and yes I am proud of that :)
This whole routine makes me laugh, it's so ridiculous.
I was after Brett and I'd always tell him when it was his turn and immediately start playing my cards because he 'wasn't fast enough'.
This might drive some people crazy but it just cracks us up because we act like we are on speed or something.

Ryan is the brains of the family and he's the best at ALL games.
We were all getting sick of him beating us.
At this point in time it didn't matter who won, just that Ryan DIDN'T!
The game was coming to a close and Brett leaned over and whispered "Tam try to end the game, I might be able to win if Ryan doesn't get another turn."
I did my best to terminate the game, but couldn't.
So I leaned over and said "pstttt mom, end the game. Brett can win."
Mom did as she was told and ended the game right before Ryan's next turn.
Brett started counting his victory points and I watched him.
Stunned I looked and him and exclaimed "YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD WIN WITH TWO POINTS!?!?!"
Immediately we both started laughing uncontrollably and he just kept saying "I said MAYBE" in between chuckles.
Ryan had like 30 points... and then mom started on a tangent about how she could have won if she hadn't listened to us and that just made Brett and I laugh harder.

I ended the night by staying up til the crack of dawn watching One Tree Hill...
Which I don't even like.
It's too much drama and their lives are falling apart constantly.
But for some reason I just couldn't stop watching it.

Monday I baked cookies, worked at the day care, and went to karate with Ryan and Nate.
I knocked a grown man out and I'm never allowed back there ever again.
Haa just jokin!

Tuesday was an early morning for me.
I got up at six and headed for Salt Lake with my mom.
We were extras in a movie called "Mistle Tones".
It comes out this Christmas so look for it people!
The star is Tia from the TV show "Sister Sister".
We were in the bar scene.

Isn't it fitting that the first time I step foot in a bar I'm with my mom?
I don't know if I can share details about the movie here, but I will just say it was a blast and the male actor is hotter than Hades!
The assistant director was so cool and I talked to him a tiny bit.

And that is a sum of the first half of my wild spring break :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Birthday Bash

Happy Burfday Andrew!
On the eve of Andrews 19th Birthiversery we {Kenzie, Mark, Andrew, and I} partied like it was 2012.
Well... because it IS 2012!
Makes sense right?

We did the usual; cake and Call of Duty.
Do us girls know how to make men happy or what?

The cake was flawless this time and the present was rockin.
A mini pool table.
Who doesn't want that?
Not I said the dog.
If you don't get that you were never read the" Little Red Hen" as a child.
Repent. Read it.
It will change your life as it did mine.

In the midst of this Call of Duty phenomenon Kenz and I were enlightened by the COD gods.
Mark and Andrew got online to play and us ladies got on the head set.
This way the guys on the other end would think we were really good and that was supposed to make us attractive in their eyes.
Our plan would have worked out and we would have many men in love with us by the end of the night...
But Kenz got a 13 year old boy...
and I got silence.

It was still fun and we laughed wayyyy too much!
Operation party time was a success!

My last words; Andrew you ROCK!
You are a true blue friend.
Which is a good thing.
I'm so grateful for you! :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kony 2012

There are always two sides to everything.
I think It's important to do a little research and have a little knowledge about things you want to support.
So I am offering two sides to this Kony business.
Be smart and ALWAYS do your best to help your fellow brothers and sisters.
I hope this helps people make a choice they can feel good and confident about.
I am not trying to persuade either way, just create awareness.
Please take a little time out of your day to watch the following video and read the article.

Taking 'Kony 2012' Down A Notch

No matter your stance on the situation it never hurts to find some way to make a difference and help.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Truth About Me Tuesday: Part II

#1 Today I decided I want to be a weather woman so I can just lie to people all the time. "Sunny days are all that's ahead. Start sheading your layers and break out your swimming suits!" then when I'm off air I'll just sit around laughing with my co-workers "Ha I said that as a joke, and look, people actually believe it! I can't wait to see all the people walking through the snow in their sandals tomorrow!"
I bet weather people really get a kick outta that stuff.

#2 I cry when I'm really happy. Sometimes it can be really embarrassing. The joy has to bubble out somehow and it usually choses to do so in the form of little water droplets.

#3 When I got onto my blog today and saw that my last post "The Wonders of Lip Stick" had 54 views I was in awe and felt a great amount of gratitude. I was so humbled to see that number. So to my readers; you guys rock. Thank you for supporting me! I was so happy I almost cried, which I wouldn't let myself do because I was in the library.

#4 I'm with my friend Brogan on his thoughts about the education system. It teaches us to think learning is bad and painful. Learning is exciting and fun. Don't ever let school or college get in the way of your learning.

#5 I ate this thing at lunch today called taco pie. MmMmMm good! It's like a Mexican lasagna. Try it.

#6 I think Pintrest jokes are so funny. The other night Kenz and I were on the site and I asked her "what's fairy floss?" her reply "hmmm did I pin that?" which she hadn't, I was just asking. We laughed for a really long time, because sometimes you do pin things when you don't know what they are. It's Probably a  you-have-to-be-really-dorky-to-get-it kind of a joke moment. But I like it.

#7 I can't spell worth beans! My favorite app is the dictionary, that way I can look up words when I'm texting so I don't look dum. I mean dumb!

#8 One of my favorite sayings is "life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."

#9 I get the hiccups at least once a week, and always when I'm in a quiet room with at least 40 other people. If you've ever heard my hiccups you know they sound really bizarre. I've had people ask me if I'm faking. "Uh yeah, I WANT to humiliate myself in front of everyone, thanks for asking!"

#10 I believe nothing worth having comes easily. Hard work is the best gift God ever gave us and the second is the ability to dream. Dream big and believe that anything is possible. One day we will look back and the only things we will regret are the things we didn't do.

How about you guys? Tell me some silly or interesting facts about yourself.
Leave it in a comment below :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Wonders of Lip Stick

I read this blog post the other day and it really struck me.
It talks about how in "the olden days" women would try to make themselves attractive to men by doing their hair up all pretty and wearing bright red lip stick to catch the men's fancy.
Now day's girls just show a lot of skin and wear too tight of clothes to get the guys attention.
What isn't being realized is that it's the wrong kind of attention.
This blog made me feel like I can be pretty and modest.

Today I decided I wanted to feel like a lady so I put on some red lip stick, just like they did WAYYYYY back in the day.
I was sitting in my math class eating my daily granola bar, when I looked at my fingers and started to panic.
Where is it coming from, where is it coming from, where is it coming from???
I was breathing all heavy when I realized "ha oh yeah! I'm wearing lip stick. No need to die from shock."
I giggled to myself and continued staring blankly at the chalk board while subconsciously taking notes.

By the time institute rolled around I was much more awake and aware of my world.
No more bleeding episodes took place.
A boy walked into class and said the sweetest thing to me.
I want to remember it and share it because what I said earlier; old fogies fashion sense was spot on.
They knew how to woo a man, I listened and I learned.
You can too.

K, so I'm wearing my lip stick right?
{ladies if you ever need to feel confident just paint your lips red and you'll have the guys swooning at your feet. They love it.}
Well this boy walked in and told me I looked nice today
and then after he said that he said "you know, you are really rare!"
I just looked at him all shy and embarrassed and asked why.
He then went on "you're the type of girl who wears really attractive clothes but you're always modest. Not a lot of girls are like that."
*Insert heart melt here*

That was the best compliment, in my opinion, a girl could ever get.
It's so nice to be recognized for keeping high standards.
It's not always easy and sometimes I look at other girls and I wish I could wear what they do.
But it's times like these; when a boy calls you rare because you choose to leave the things of the world behind.
 That makes it worth it.

Oh and here is my dumb blonde moment for the day.
So that boy I told you about, he got new scriptuers for his mission.
Now I love the smell of new books, so instinctively I pick up his Book of Mormon and smell it.
But when I did I miss calculated and judged the distance wrong...
My face hit the book and
I ended up leaving a bright red lip stick stain on the edge of all the pages.
I was thoroughly embarrassed.
I hid it from him for as long as I could.
Then he started showing people that I "kissed" his scriptures.
So basically he's going to have my lips prints for the rest of his life and I feel like an idiot.
I'm not used to wearing lip stick.
It was quite the trial for me today as you can see.
First I think I have some illness and I'm bleeding everywhere and then I smooch scriptures.
Oh dear me.
Whatever will I do with myself?

Before I go:
Girls never forget your worth.
Have high standards and keep them real and vital in your lives.
You will be blessed.
One day a MAN and not a BOY will look at you and know you are one of a kind.
He can't get you just anywhere, and he will treat you right because of it.
You are worth it and you deserve it.
Don't settle and don't give up what you want most for what you want now.

And boys, recognize those girls in your life, you can change their world and help them remember who they are.
If guys would point out how great being modest is more often I believe more girls would cover up.
Help us help you.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Soaking Up The Springtime Sun

Walking to my room after brunch I noticed the sun beaming down at me begging me to get a blanket and stay awhile.
So ten feet away from the unmelted snow, there I lay in my sweats and hoody, being tickled by the brilliant sun.
By the end of the sunshine session 6 girls had joined the party.
OoOoOo goody me I can't wait for summer time.
This was just a taste of what is to come!

Some railroad tracks in cedar

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Jenny Phillips

Came to Cedar City yesterday.
She is amazing and inspirational.
She shared some stories from her life and her testimony.
She is a strong daughter of God and has a tangible spirit about her.
Listening to her beautiful music made me want to strive to be the best I can be.
Sample some of her music here and be uplifted.

Also this little video is amazing and makes me smile.
Watch it and let your heart be touched.

I just wanted to share these things because they make me happy and give me the strength to stand as a witness of God at all time, in all things, and in all places.
I hope they can bring a little peace and happiness to you today too.

Now on the the funny stuff.
What a wild goose chase of a day it was.
Let's begin with communications class.
That is always a good place to start.
I walked into the class room and Bill Clinton was staring me dowwwwwwn!
Ok he had sun glasses on so I couldn't really tell if he was looking at me.
But whatev's.
Oh and he was holding a saxophone and he was made of 100% cardboard.
Class was great yada yada yada...
When Brogan and I were leaving class and he swept good ol' Billy right off his feet and away the three of us went... to Arctic Circle.
Needless to say we got plenty of odd looks;
which didn't bother either of us because Brogan and I like to do social experiments and weird people out just a bit.

Check it our guys, I'm a vampire!

Later that night I went to the stake talent show and Nsync came on stage.
They rocked my world.
Ali and I had a blast and sang our little hearts out.
They SHOULD have won, they were a crowd pleaser.

The night ended with chilling at the rock wall, riding in the back of a truck in the freezing cold, making French toast, blowing up Mark's house {joking}, a dance party, Call of Duty, and walking home and seeing scary drunk guys.
"Ladies get your keys ready to gouge their eyes out if we have too!"
We made it safely home, no worries.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Truth About Me Tuesday.

Now some of you are sitting back in your chairs right now flippin a pancake completely confused as to which day of the week it REALLY is.
I am here to tell you that last night you were abducted by aliens.
They experimented on you for a few days, you missed Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Lucky you Mondays are such a beast.

But on a more serious note, I hope you didn't believe any of that.
Hey, look!
The title of this post is gullible.

GOT YA! :)

 So I had this thought the other day all the best blogs, like The Daybook, have a special weekly post.
I decided I to want a little somethin' somethin' to spice up my blog.
Not to mention it will be fun for me to look back on these little "Truth about me Tuesdays" in ten years and see what I goof I used to be;
or still am :)

In case I've got you all jumbled up, it really is Friday.
I just have to act on this good idea now or else I will procrastinate till never.
So thanks for rollin with the punches and humoring me.
Why couldn't I just make it Truth about me Fridays?
Because Tuesday just slips right off the tongue.

Without further ado, let's get crackin.

1. My socks never match. It is not good for my mom's psyche.
2. This is the first time in my life I actually like the cowlick in my hair. I'm totally rockin the "I just swam in the ocean and now my hair is so flowy" hairstyle. Thank you difficult bangs you give this look the finishing touch.
3. I love that my communications class is one big family. Seriously we joke and talk like we've known each other forever.
4. I swear someone that lives on the first floor perms their hair daily. It reeks down there.
5. Nerd alert. I have a favorite punctuation mark; it's the semicolon.
6. I love impressionists. They are HIL.ari.OUS. I saw Melissa Velasenor last night. She's got the best personality. Kinda reminds me of Napoleon Dinomite in the best way possible
7. I hold men up to high standards because Country Music has taught me how a man should treat a lady.
8. I think imperfection is absolutly stunningly beautiful.
9. I don't want to think "outside of the box" because even that is getting cliche. Being different and happy is the best thing a person can be.
10. I think dreams are meant to be lived.

How about you guys? What are some truths about you? Funny things? Interesting things? Things that make you smile? And if you leave a comment please leave your name too! :) I'd love that lots.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

When the blues hit

Stand on a chair.
Disclaimer: I cannot take credit for this idea; I got it from my great friend Brogan.
{ps follow his blog here.}

Why stand on a chair when you're feeling down?
First off you will feel very tall and I think that is supposed to release endorphins or something.
Second it'll make you giggle because you may feel a little silly especially if your roommate enters the room while you're in the middle of this exercise.
Third, and the only REAL reason, it will give you a new perspective.
You will see the room in a whole new way, which hopefully in turn can help you view your life in a new light.
and if you are anything like me you will realize you should probably pick up all your stuff because the mess is ALL yours and NOT your roommates.
Don't worry mom... you did teach me better and I'm getting on that stat.

LaLa Land thought.
One time when I'm on a date and the guy asks me what I like to do for fun I want to say;
"I like to stand on chairs," with a dorky grin on my face and then change the subject so he never gets an explanation and just thinks I'm a nut ;)

Say great y'all :)