Saturday, March 3, 2012

Jenny Phillips

Came to Cedar City yesterday.
She is amazing and inspirational.
She shared some stories from her life and her testimony.
She is a strong daughter of God and has a tangible spirit about her.
Listening to her beautiful music made me want to strive to be the best I can be.
Sample some of her music here and be uplifted.

Also this little video is amazing and makes me smile.
Watch it and let your heart be touched.

I just wanted to share these things because they make me happy and give me the strength to stand as a witness of God at all time, in all things, and in all places.
I hope they can bring a little peace and happiness to you today too.

Now on the the funny stuff.
What a wild goose chase of a day it was.
Let's begin with communications class.
That is always a good place to start.
I walked into the class room and Bill Clinton was staring me dowwwwwwn!
Ok he had sun glasses on so I couldn't really tell if he was looking at me.
But whatev's.
Oh and he was holding a saxophone and he was made of 100% cardboard.
Class was great yada yada yada...
When Brogan and I were leaving class and he swept good ol' Billy right off his feet and away the three of us went... to Arctic Circle.
Needless to say we got plenty of odd looks;
which didn't bother either of us because Brogan and I like to do social experiments and weird people out just a bit.

Check it our guys, I'm a vampire!

Later that night I went to the stake talent show and Nsync came on stage.
They rocked my world.
Ali and I had a blast and sang our little hearts out.
They SHOULD have won, they were a crowd pleaser.

The night ended with chilling at the rock wall, riding in the back of a truck in the freezing cold, making French toast, blowing up Mark's house {joking}, a dance party, Call of Duty, and walking home and seeing scary drunk guys.
"Ladies get your keys ready to gouge their eyes out if we have too!"
We made it safely home, no worries.


  1. I've made your blog twice now. I feel privileged. Like I've gotten my own parade or something. An internet parade. With a Bill Clinton standing on a chair parade float.

    1. We have some great times together and that's a fact :) I hope your parade float comes with root beer floats!
