Saturday, March 31, 2012

Opening a Door

Sometimes small things lead to great things.
We may not know it in the moment, but it is true.

Last night Kenz and I went out for ice cream.
When we came back we saw some Saudi Arabian boys behind us with bags and bags of groceries.
Instinctively we waited for them and held the door open while the made their way into the building.
Then they invited us to come up to the lair {living room} with them.
They were making food and wanted to share with us.

They showed us some crazy YouTube videos of cars driving on two wheels.
In one of the short films the people climbed out of the moving car hung to the side of it as they took the tires off the wheels that weren't touching the ground.
It was insane.
I asked them if people do that a lot in Saudi Arabia.
He said "every Friday night!"
That made us laugh for a while.

When the food was finished cooking they taught us how they eat in Saudi Arabia.
You always use your right hand, and everyone shares the same dish.
You just dig in!
You scoop some rice into your hand, squish it a little to make a ball, and use your thumb to push it into your mouth.
It was fun to learn about their culture and talk to them.

Kenz and I found out we are terrible Americans.
THEY told us about some American show that is popular here, neither of us knew what it was.
At one point I was trying to say technology but I just stuttered and it wouldn't come out.
They were like are you trying to say technology?
Ha ha yes. Yes I am. Sorry I have a hard time speaking English sometimes.
They also told us about how they love to go to California.
Kenz and I admitted to them that neither of us have ever been.
Their jaws dropped and they just looked at us completed stunned!
"You must go! You must go!"

One of our new friends asked us why we came to SUU and I didn't really know why.
I told him I closed my eyes and pointed to a place and a map
and WALA!!
here I am.
He thought that was very hilarious and laughed for a very long time.
Kenz and I had a good time talking to these guys and sharing our cultures.
I think they are fasting right now, because they told us about their fast and asked us if we fast.
We explained that we fast once a month and give the money we would have spent on that meal to charity.

Before we all dispersed and left to our separate rooms we wanted to take a few pictures of our gathering.
All of them took turns taking pictures with us, they were very excited to show their brothers back in Saudi Arabia their new American friends.
We were famous for a night and it was a blast.

Who knew that holding a door open could lead to an evening of fun and laughter.
One act of kindness can go a long way and expand your horizon more than you'd ever dream of!
I will always remember this night :)

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