Friday, March 30, 2012

Tongues Should not be Shared

I don't eat weird foods.
I won't eat fish.
I would never DREAM of trying animal brains, better know as sweetbreads.
All in all,

Two of my very greatest friends Marcus and Carlitos took me to a Mexican restaurant for lunch yesterday.
I was searching the menu when I asked for advice {mistake one}.
Mark suggested I get the lengua tacos.
I trusted him because he would never betray me, right? {mistake two}
We were talking while waiting for our food and I said something ridiculous, Mark wasn't even going to respond but then he looked up and I guess I was making a really funny face at him:
Like an uh-huh-what-ya-gonna-say-now face.
It kinda looked like the face below, but funnier it's hard to repeat.
I mention this because we laughed for a long time over it.

Moving on.
In the midst of all this ordering I had to run Kenzie to the elementary school so she wouldn't be late for work.
I came back to the restaurant and Mark and Carlos were done eating.
I sat down and immediately dug into my tacos.
Oh boy were they tender!
The MOST tender beef I'd ever tried!
I ate one but couldn't finish the second so I packed it to go.
Midnight snack, wooo!

After eating we headed to Wal-Mart because I needed make up.
Oh what a funny sight it was having Mark and Carlos trying to help me chose a good concealer.
I was cracking up at how silly the whole situation was when Mark asked Carlos if they should tell me the truth.

Red flags went up!
Truth? Truth about what???

Then the nasty words came out of his mouth...
"Tami you ate cow tongue."
Oh dear puppy dogs I was upset.
Instantly my stomach started the churn and ache.
Some dead cow in heaven could taste my amniotic fluids...
or stomach acids, either or.

I had a tummy ache for the rest of the day.
Moral of the story, never, neVER, NEVER let someone order for you in another language.
They will trick you every time.

On the drive home I had to stick my head out the window so I wouldn't have to smell the dead cow tongue sitting next to me in the to-go box and the other half unsettled in my body.

If you want to feel my pain type "cow tongue" into Google images.
10-4 over and out.


  1. Tam I can't believe you ate cow tongue! I am so grossed out!

    1. I am too. That is probably the most devastating event of my life... by far! haha

  2. So, you just made out with a dead cow. Just saying.

  3. That's how i felt the first time i ate goat!

    1. Did someone trick you too?? haha it's awful!

  4. haha oh dear puppy dogs! i laugh the whole way through when i read your posts. you are such an energetic being. :)


    1. Thanks RachIE!! I love you and I miss you. You always make my day with your comments. Just keep being the great person you are :)
