Sunday, March 25, 2012

If You Don't Eat, You Don't Poop. If You Don't Poop You Die.

Those are the wise words that came out of my Agriculture professors mouth a few days ago.
I thought my mom would appreciate it.
She's probably shaking her head right now thinking "Another poop joke from Tam."
Mommy one day I will grow up, I think.
Just not today, or tomorrow
Or for a long time :)

Man I feel like I haven't written in awhile I miss it.
Spring break was crazy busy and tons of fun.
Then the moment I got back I had a boat load of homework to catch up on.
So my brain and emotions have been scrambled eggs this week.

I got this new app on my iPod that I am obsessed with.
It's called draw something.
I was so excited to tell my sister Ang about it... but she already had it.
Oh crumbly cookies!
One day I will find a good app before she does.
Any how I was so sucked into it the other day, I took it to dinner with me.
I was trying to guess this one drawing and it was nearly impossible.
We walked into the cafeteria and Kenzie and Ali dispersed to go get their dinner.
I was left standing there lost in my game and I kinda forgot I was in public.
Then I yelled "guys it's Adele! How do you spell Adele??"
I looked up and was immediately embarrassed.
Ha. ha. ha. Oh hi there people, are you enjoying your dinner? Oh good. Well I'm gonna go...
In the middle of eating a friend walked up to our table and said"so you word was Adele huh?"
Ok new rule: no more draw something at dinner.

Also this week I had the privileged of going to the university farm to see cute little lambs being born.
On of them died and it made me really sad.
Kenz came along as well.
We were the only people there who were fascinated by the sheep running.
Unfortunately Kenz lost her phone in the barn, we looked everywhere but couldn't find it.
The next day she secretly went back and picked it up.
I was not aware of this occurrence.
She had the devious idea to prank text me pretending to be the farm people.

The first text read: "When you come pick up your phone bring a zip lock bag. We found it in a pile of sheep excretions. Thanks."
I felt so hopeless. I didn't know how to contact her and I knew we wouldn't be seeing each other all day.

So I facebooked her.
"Dude you need a zip lock bad, they found your phone in a pile of sheep excretions. hahahhahahaha."

Kenz thought the joke was ruined because she accidentally sent me a text that just had a bunch of numbers in it.
But being me I just thought the farm people were having a hay day with the phone.

I came home from work and Kenz still wasn't back I started to worry because there wasn't a note or anything.
Then I got another text saying: "the person who's name my phone can't spell is not here so you should come."

I replied: 
"Hey I don't have a car and I haven't seen her all day so I can't come pick it up."

They said: "well her phone is really starting to stink."

I had no idea where she was so I wrote her a note {and Facebooked her again} saying: "Hey they found your phone, they said it smells really bad. You need to pick it up ASAP. Ummm so Facebook me when you get this. If I don't hear from you by 11:00 pm I am calling the police... ha ha I'm just a little worried."
I was about to go out looking for her when I saw the sticky note on the door that said she was at the rock wall and a 'certain person' might be there.
Then all the puzzle pieces started to fit together.
The person who's-name-my-phone-can't-spell' wasn't me! It was the 'certain person' mentioned in note...

Later when we talked about it Kenz said she was laughing so hard because she was getting alerts from Facebook about my messages.
She got a hoot and half out of it.

I supposed to deserved the prank after all the phone pranks I've been pulling.

I love you all.
Stay great.