Sunday, March 25, 2012

I am Blessed.

I have had so many humbling experiences this week and I have to express the gratitude in my heart.

This week has been rough on me.
But I have a wonderful sister that I can call at 1:00 am and cry to.
She is so strong and her friends are so blessed to have her.
She has a pure heart and she takes friendship seriously.
She'd do ANYTHING for anyone.
I love her and I'm incredibly grateful for her example in my life.
{here are some more pictures she's taken}

I also have crazy great roommate that loves me and helps me.
We share some of the same struggles in life, and it's nice to have her.
I woke up one morning and she had left song lyrics on my desk.
"I will not doubt, I will not fear; God's love and strength are always near.
His promised gift helps me to find an inner strength and peace of mind.
I give the father willingly my trust, my prayers, humility. His spirit guides, his love assures that fear departs when faith endures."

Also My brother Ryan has been a major blessing in my life this week.
I had a break down about a project I was supposed to get done over Spring Break but didn't even start.
He walked me through the whole thing and let me send him Email's on a daily basis, which he then would look over and give me tips.
I present tomorrow and I feel a lot better about it because of his help.

I had the opportunity to go to Shayla Hunt's baptism this week.
Again, I was so humbled by the spirit that was there.
There have been three baptisms in our ward this year and each one has been so inspiering.
These girls are so amazing and they make me want to be better.
They are so strong.

I was also able to attend the YSA conference this weekend with my friend Henry.
The devotional at the beginning was moving.
The spirit was there and I was able to feel peace.
Elder L. Whitney Clayton was talking about when he was young he had a lot of plans for his life.
He wanted to go to college to become a doctor, which we all know takes a very long time.
He figured with a mission, school, and this extra training like an internship that doctors do {I can't remember what it's called} it would take him at least 15 years.
He didn't want to be entering into real life at the age of 34.
Then a wise man said to him "How old will you be in 15 years if you do none of those things?"
He replied "34."
"And how old will you be in 15 years if you do all of those things?"
Again his reply was "34."
The man then said "When you are 34 do you want to have accomplish all those things, half those things, or none of those things?"

That hit me hard.
I know there are so many things I want to do in my life and I always think 'sheesh I don't have time to do everything I want to because I'm not going to be young forever."
How true that is, but by the time I am 34 I want to have done the things I wanted to do instead of sitting around worrying that I'd eventually get old.
I will get old.
But when I am I want a rich supply of experience to look back on.

Never let the fear of getting old stop you, embrace where you are at in life right now and live it to the fullest.
You'll never get these moments back and one day you will miss them.

On to the most humbling experience this week;
I asked some members in the bishop rick to give me a blessing today.
I didn't tell them what I've been struggling with but they laid their hands on my head and gave me the most beautiful blessing.
My heart was so full and I know that the message they gave me was from God.
I know that God is aware of me and he loves me.
I was given extra strength and courage and I can't even to begin to express my gratitude for worthy priesthood holders in my life.
This gospel is true and my heart is full.

Every day go about doing good continually.
Be gracious.
Be loving.
Be a witness.

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