Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Why I Love Concerts So Gosh Darn Much

I am a lucky girl.
My sister Angela paid for me and my roommate Kenzie to go to the Imagine Dragons concert in St. Geezy {St. George} on Thursday.
Needless to say, I loved it.

A few reasons why concerts rock my socks:
One. When else do you get to scream at the top of your lungs when someone asks you how you're doing? Never just concerts.
Two. Concerts are the only place where instant friends are made because you and another person decided to team up against that meany pants that is trying to steal your front row spot.
Three. You get to dance like a crazy person and people think you are cool.
Four. You get to scream your favorite songs and strain your vocal chords and blow your ears out.
Five. Being at a concert is pure bliss.

Concerts rock.

The two bands that opened for them were kinda...
But having said that I didn't have to like them to appreciate them.
The first band was like one of those high school garage bands that makes so much noise the neighbors move away.
Hard on the ears right?
But the bass guy had AWESOME dance moves that I plan to use freely at any time of my life.
Second even though my ears were bleeding his fingers moved up and down the fret board with incredible speed.
So even though it wasn't my cup of cocoa, he was talented.

The second band started playing and I thought spirits were rising out of the ground.
Freaky music I tell ya!!
Their last song was somewhat decent and then all of a sudden the guy picked up a megaphone and started screaming into it.
I was thinking 'Hide your kids, hide your wives, their killin everyone's ear drums up in here!'
But the thing I could appreciate was in one song their drummer did this really cool thing that I have never seen before...
He played the drums with a tamberine!
Well done creepy band. Well done.
*A clap from me*

Then the fire works went off when Imagine Dragons came out.
{figuratively of course}
They were phomenal!
Their opening song was "Round and Round"
Dan Reynolds is the singer and he has this HUGE drum...
Every time he started to play it there was so much passion emanating from him.
It was tangible and you could feel it.
Seriously amazing.

They did a song called Radio Active, again just great.
Dan was going crazy on his drum and he ended up splitting his finger open.
When the song was over he laughed and said "St. George you guys are CRAZY! I will never forget you. I will always think of you when I see the blood spatter on my drum."

Dan wrote the song It's Time.
He told us it was inspired by a period in his life that was difficult and he was trying to decided what path he would be taking in life; that is when he chose music. 
This song was my favorite.
He stopped singing the lyrics and the crowd sang the chores back to him.
Those are my favorite concert moments, because everyone is united through the words of the song.

At one point he yelled out "St. George what do you like to do for fun?"
and some kid said "go to the temple!"
Dan laughed for a very long time and said "oh man I love you guys St. George!"

For one of the songs Dan came out in the crowd and was dancing with everyone.
That was fun.

Look 'em up they are great.

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