Saturday, January 14, 2012

You Know You Go to SUU when...

More people show up to a gymnastics meet than a basketball game.
Our gymnastics team is really good and a blast and a half to watch.
Being stunned by their crazy tricks is my new favorite pass time.
 Speaking of tricks,
A magician came to our school last night.
Mike Super was his name.
Mind blowing I tell you. MIND BLOWING!!
Not to mention he was a hoot and three quarters.
I loved every moment of his performance.
At the end he did a tribute to his mom which I thought was very touching.

This next tid bit is for you mom:
I was pictured in my schools newspaper.
The first and ONLY time I went running on the school track I became famous.
I'm not even wearing real running clothes.
I saved you a copy, seems like the type of thing only a mom would be proud of.
Love you all


  1. Your mom and I are definitely proud of you. Did i kind of sound like your dad? Weird. It's not, it's your St George friend Mike. I didn't want you to get confused.

    1. Mike!! I'm glad you clarified, that did indeed almost sound like my dad. When is the next concert coming to town?

  2. I am so proud of you, you went running . I must have a copy of that paper make sure you bring that home next time.
