Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Candy That Sooths

So I'm not big on hospitals, or doctors, or medicine.
I think it's all kind of a big hoax.
No offense to any predestine medicine men.
Or politically correct; medicine people.

I believe in my body.
God made it.
It's perfect and I wouldn't want to hinder it by putting questionable substances into it.
Our bodies are made to heal themselves, so even if it takes longer I'd rather take that route.
At times I have even been teased, and I quote, that "I'm scared of Flintstone vitamins."

The second reason I think medicine is bad is because my older brother, Ryan has convinced me that the government is trying to poison everyone and make us all complacent.
You didn't think I listened to you, big bro, did ya?
I find your views fascinating and interesting.
I can't eat at McDonalds now either...

Also I don't believe in ADD.
I think those people just have a lot of energy and they don't learn through sitting still and reading a book.
They learn more by being active.
I think this world puts everyone is a box and if you don't fit in it then they put you on drugs to be normal.
and to that I say HECK NO!!
I don't have to fit ANYONE's "definition" to be productive in this world.
I say to every person; embrace who you are, LOVE who you are, and don't ever change for this world.
How's that for sticking it to the man.

But now we are WAY off topic, I didn't plan on going that direction.
What I wanted to say is I don't believe in junk like medicine BUT
I discovered cough drops today.
I know. I'm 18 and this is my first time using the magical lozenge. Weird.
But I have a sore throat and these things are SOOOO soothing.
I was skeptical when Kenz gave them to me at first, but now I'm a believer.
They taste like dog breath, but I'm not complaining.
Three enthusiastic thumbs up for cough drops!
{ps I'm probably going to get a comment from Ryan telling me that cough drops have a chemical in them that will melt my brain in 2.7 seconds flat.}

Disclaimer: no doctors were hurt in the writing of this blog.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! The only bad thing I know is sometimes in cough drops is aspartame. The active ingredient is menthol which has been used by humans for thousands of years and totally safe.

    - Ryan
