Thursday, January 5, 2012

Love Stories Are...

Yes, I like chick flicks, but there is a reoccurring theme that doesn't sit so easy with me.
Who is writing the plot lines to these things?
I recently watched My Girlfriends Boyfriend with my mom; it's totally cute by the way.
You should see it.
But first I wanna have my say about love stories.
Boy meets girl, girl takes boy to a place her dad used to take her as a child, boy asks if she's close to her father, and {you've guessed it} girl tells boy her father died when she was young.
Ya-Da Ya-Da.
Right after I watched this chick flick I picked up a book my mom got from the library, Lost December.
Boy falls in love with girl; boy tells girl mother died when he was 7.
Two deaths in one night, I can't deal with this.
So what the media is telling me is someone has to tragically die and scar me for life in order for me to fall in love.
I think I've pin pointed societies biggest problem.
Women pass up great men every day because they feel like something has to be seriously wrong with their life before they can fall in love.
So guys, listen up, first run her dog over, and then ask her out.
You've got it made.
Please send me a wedding invite :)

Now of course I'm mostly joking, who doesn't want someone to come into their life and make it better than it has ever been.
I'm just sayin.... EVERY love story, really??
What about those of us who just want a simple love story.
About a dorky boy who makes us laugh and feel beautiful, and in return we make them sandwiches.
Make a movie about THAT!

Wait, scratch that.
No one would watch that!

Now that you've let me rant and rave...
I want to say My Girlfriends Boyfriend is so DANG cute and I just want everyone to know I rooted for the dorky guy from the beginning!

Secondly Last December was a really good book.
It was a modern day tale of the prodigal son.
Luke didn't take the 'right' path.
But by the end of the story I was so happy that he picked the 'wrong' path because so many people's lives were blessed and his path eventually led him home.
It was a joyful ending.

It makes me want to save a hobo off the street.
Read It.
It brought tears to my eyes!
You're life WILL be blessed by this story.

and a side note for Ang because I know my reading bugs you :)
I'm so proud that I can read a book in two days.
I feel like a super star.
If I keep it up I might be able to read a book in a day!