Monday, April 9, 2012

Let Me Sum It Up For Ya.

Holy busy life of mine.
The past few weeks have been a little on the wild side.
I've been suffocating under an enormous pile of homework.
No big deal.
I love finals time... NOT!

Ok let's think happy thoughts now.
Spring time is here and I love it.
I wake up every morning with little birdies chirping next to my window.
It is beautimous I tell ya. Down right beautimous.

Now that being said, it can't be spring time without family pictures...
Family pictures are always a great time of laughter.
This is what my family photo shoots look like: Mom has to plead with the whole fam to get together and put a smile on for the camera, which is much harder than it sounds. 
And when she does get us all in front of the lense everyone turns into planet of the apes.
There's never a  picture where everyone looks decent.
 Either someone is yawning or picking a wedgie, the list goes on.
It's halarious, I love living in a zoo.
No, really.
I do.

But since I'm 300 miles away this year I didn't get to experience this joy with my family.
So Kenz and I took our own spring photos.
Pictured with us are Consuela Bosifious {tricycle} and Spring Blessings.
If you Don't know who Spring Blessings is you should study up on my last few posts.
She's basically a really creepy wooden doll.
PS don't take any of the following pictures seriously, they are meant to be taken in with a grain of salt and a belly full of laughter.

We are acting like our brains are full of thoughtful thoughts.

Sometimes I am creepy... it happens.

Hanging on for dear life. That face is real emotion, I felt like I was going to die.

This one is refrigerator worthy.

Consuela Bosifious peeing on a fire hydrant.

Frolicking through the meadow... or campus...

And the classic High School Musical jump. Even Consuela Bosifious jumped!
 Other  adventures go as follows:
We pranked Mark back by turning his toilet water to jello.
Good in theory not so much in execution.
We were boiling the soon to be toilet water and one of Marks roommates walked out, he politely said hello and asked how we were doing.
"we are well thank you" was my reply, which caused Kenzie to laugh a considerable amount.
Then he left.
Very causal. He didn't even question why we were using his stove.
Good thing we basically lived there last semester or else it would have been weird... haa haa.

We tried to fly a kite while riding our tricycle.
Epic fail.
The string got caught in the tires and the whole thing exploded.
Ok... it didn't explode, but it broke into a million pieces.
What did we do with all the fragments?
Why, we put them in the bed of someones truck of course.
Then I made a comment that I want a truck one day so I always have a garbage can handy.

We also took another bike trip to Wally World,
because who doesn't love bruising their bum cheeks and setting their thighs on fire.
It's such a rewarding feeling!
Oh and something you all may need to know one day:
Wal-mart's tire and lube does fill up bike tires...
for FREE :)

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