Tuesday, September 25, 2012

silly ol' me

There was a free car on campus yesterday for 7 hours.
That car was my car.
Why was it free?
Oh, just because I left my keys in the ignition all day, doors unlocked and all.
All that calculus is going straight to my brain and frying it like a pancake.
Not only that but my underwear was on inside out.
It's seriously weird and slightly concerning to me.
I have this one pair of underwear that no matter how hard I try it always ends up on inside out. Without fail.
I never notice until half way through the day but when I do my eyes bug out like a cartoon character.
It's a conspiracy I can't figure out.

My week is just headed that way, and we all know what I mean by "that way".
It's called by Saturday I'm going to be shipped off to the looney bin.
AKA pray for me.

Ps I love my mommy


  1. Love you Tam.
    Stay tough, keep your head up, and smile!

  2. This is exactly why you're my favorite human.
